handheld meter for pH, oxygen, redox
µdox also measures hardness and acid capacity
For accurate, fast and reliable measurements directly on site - in the field or in production. μdox is characterized by easy operation combined with the measuring quality of high-quality laboratory equipment with simultaneous stability.
It is a multi-parameter handheld meter that measures relevant parameters of the water quality by using its sensors. These include pH, redox, total hardness, acid capacity and dissolved oxygen. The overall unit is particularly easy to handle, to display and record the data.
at a glance
- measurement in the μ range: oxygen measurement in gases and liquids with 1 ppb resolution
- fast analysis: setting times t90 or t99 of approx. 13 s or 30 s
- parallel determination of several parameters: oxygen, pH and redox
- precise measurement of: acid capacity and total hardness
- measurement with: transient monitoring of the sensor systems
- individual analysis: several languages and units of measurement
ideal solution for
- beverage industry
- dairy
- metallurgy
- defects
- deposits
- corrosion
- "mini-laboratory" in a handy measuring case
- fast measurements in low ranges
- fast oxygen sensor with very reproducible measurement resolution up to 1μg / l
- very fast response time of the oxygen sensor (t90 of approx. 13 sec.)
- particularly suitable for measurements on hot and steam boiler plants, in district heating plants and power plants
The μdox multi-parameter handheld instrument is available in versions with oxygen sensor, pH sensor or pH / redox sensor.
further products

handheld meter - accurate, fast and reliable
for pH, dissolved oxygen, redox, total hardness and acid capacity

control of feed water and steam boiler with quality controlled dosage
for more efficiency and cost savings

monitoring of feed water boiler with exhaust vapor control
for more process safety

monitoring of conductivity in condensate
measuring range 0.05 µS/cm ... 1 mS/cm

monitoring of feed water with qualitative dosage
for improved efficiency of boiler operation