
society for analytical and metrological systems


  • Corrosion or heat loss in the boiler?
    Not an issue for us

    more protection with FWS-Control

  • More soft water — less costs
    We have that

    Control the softener with Softcontrol RM

  • High energy efficiency —
    Economical in consumption

    Generate more possible savings with FWO-Control

  • Calcification?
    We do not have that

    hardness damages are over with Softcontrol Data

added value by innovation

added benefits by more ...

  • safety
  • reliability
  • efficiency
  • environmental friendliness


OFS Online Fluid Sensoric GmbH

OFS GmbH wants to ensure that industrial plants for water treatment as well as in hot, steam and cooling water sector are economical, secure and durable. For this purpose, devices for analyzing, monitoring and control of the systems are produced and distributed. Decades of experience as well as products and innovations tailored to the needs ensure the operational and process reliability of industrial plants.

Specifically, we offer the chemical-free monitoring and optimization of processes in hot and steam boiler plants and water softeners. We clean open cooling and process cycles without the use of chemicals. For industrial water treatment we offer customer-specific solutions.

features and benefits

The potentials of our products make your systems safer, your work easier and you save money. Our solutions lead to lower environmental impact while increasing efficiency.

save water

up to 25% less water consumption by intelligent monitoring

high security and efficiency

improved process reliability and efficiency with consistently high water quality

save costs

less energy, chemicals, maintenance and personnel costs

protection of facilities

with qualitative analysis no consequential damage due to hard water intrusion

green solution

environmental friendly and safe solution without chemical pollution of the environment


with quality-controlled regeneration of the product range Softcontrol


water analysis for industrial processes

our products are used in a variety of applications and industries:

monitoring of water softeners and reverse osmosis

Überwachung von Umkehrosmosen / monitoring of reverse osmosis

High operating and process reliability thanks to fully automatic operation - downstreamed systems such as steam boilers or reverse osmoses continuously receive softened water. The OFS devices guarantee this safety through the automatic operation and immediate signaling of threshold value exceedings and brine-shears, such as Softcontrol Data. Occasional hardness dips are therefore over.

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quality-controlled regeneration triggering

qualitätsgesteuerte Regeneration / quality-controlled regeneration

The regeneration of water softeners in industrial plants is usually time or quantity controlled. The resulting problems are resolved with a quality-controlled regeneration. This results in several advantages.

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hot water and steam boiler systems

Einsparpotentiale an Dampf- und Heisswasserkesseln / energy savings at steam and hot water boilers

For a smooth boiler operation, a good quality of the feed water is indispensable. In addition to protection against corrosion and deposits, uninterrupted saving potential are also available in the boiler house with continuous monitoring and appropriate control of the most important control parameters. OFS devices can exploit these saving potentials and thus contribute to the ecological handling of resources.

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open cooling circuits

Lösungen zur chemiefreien Entkeimung / solution for chemical-free degermination

Industrial water cycles are subject to a variety of process-related challenges, such as biological growth, contamination, corrosion, and rigid dosing of chemicals. OFS products offer specific solutions.

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customer reviews

Upon request from our customers, who require increased process reliability with electronic verification for the water softening systems in their water processes, we came across the monitoring devices of the Softcontrol family from OFS GmbH. We have been using the devices for years. Our customers have had very good experiences so far and would recommend the solutions.– EnviroDTS GmbH

EnviroDTS GmbH was looking for a solution for more safety in water softeners.


monitoring water softeners and reverse osmosis

for the determination of residual hardness

to the solution

Überwachen Sie umfassend das Weichwasser auf erhöhte Härtekonzentrationen mit Softcontrol Data.

With the aim of reducing the use of steam and chemicals for the feedwater treatment at the site with 3 large-scale water boilers per 5 MW and 2 gas engines per 5 MW and downstream waste heat boiler, the continuous degassing of the feed water and the timed chemical dosing were converted to a demand-oriented mode of operation. With the help of the FWO-Control and the installation of a control valve on the steam outlet of the degasser dome, the degassing is now activated only if additional water or condensate is actually conveyed through the degasser dome into the feed water vessel. The FWO-Control continuously checks the pH value and the residual oxygen value. After more than a year of operation of the plant, a positive conclusion can be drawn. The steam consumption for the degassing could be reduced by more than 50% and the use of chemicals also by 50%. Thus, the system has paid for itself in less than 1 year.– Prinovis GmbH & Co. KG

At Prinovis GmbH & Co. KG, the largest printing service provider in Europe, a FWO control was installed at the Dresden plant.


Monitoring of the feedwater boiler with vapor control

for more process safety

product information

Überwachung von Speisewasser und Dampfkesseln / control of feed water and steam boilers

Our customers were looking for a way to monitor their water softening reliably and trouble-free. With the Softcontrol family from OFS GmbH they found the solution for more operational and process reliability through a fully automatic, continuous control of the soft water inflow. As a positive side effect, there was also less maintenance and the use of chemicals and thus an increase in efficiency.– Achenbach GmbH

Achenbach GmbH was looking for automatic, safe monitoring of the soft water.


monitoring water softeners and reverse osmosis

for the determination of residual hardness

to the solution

Überwachen Sie umfassend das Weichwasser auf erhöhte Härtekonzentrationen mit Softcontrol Data.