
society for analytical and metrological systems


qualitative control of Rondomat Duo softeners

 Softening Control bietet eine prozentuale Resthärteüberwachung in Bezug zur Rohwasserhärte bei Wasserenthärtern oder Umkehrosmosen.

The BWT softeners of the Rondomat Duo series have been regarded as extremely economical and reliable for many years and set business and environmental standards. With the use of the OFS Softening Control Duo devices, it is possible to achieve a quality-controlled regeneration and thus an even more efficient operation of the Rondomat Duo softener. Due to the optimal use of resin, the Rondomat Duo softener needs to be regenerated less frequently and salt as well as rinse water are saved.

Softening Control DUO is a measuring system for the continuous monitoring of the water hardness difference between the process inlet and the process outlet of duo softening systems, taking into account the quantitatively determined amount of soft water.

The measuring machine works in conjunction with the BWT softener systems Duo 2,3,6 and 10 and their control Softcontrol II. It monitors the soft water hardness and the soft water throughput at the systems and starts the regeneration of the softener systems externally.
The operating and regeneration states of the system are automatically monitored. The quality-controlled regeneration triggering in the throughput range between 50 and 200% in relation to the quantity-controlled operating mode with 100% is carried out automatically.