
society for analytical and metrological systems



information about our solutions

Thanks to our added value, industrial water treatment plants can work more efficiently and cost-effectively. How exactly this works and what possibilities our solutions offer, we would like to explain in more detail. Find out more about our products and processes here.

Sensor zur Messung der Wasserhärte / sensor analysis of water hardness

In the list you will find answers about our hardness sensors.
With information regarding measuring and service life, operating conditions and storage.

Überwachen Sie umfassend das Weichwasser auf erhöhte Härtekonzentrationen mit Softcontrol Data.

The measurement process offers an economical, process-safe alternative to monitoring the softening process.
It ensures the full utilization of the capacity of the softener to save resources.

Ion-selective hardness sensors enable fast, continuous and low-maintenance measurements.

How does an ion-selective hardness sensor work?
A schematic representation shows the operation of the sensor, in particular the activities of the ions on the sensor membrane.

The operation of a dual softening system on which an OFS residual hardness monitor is switched is represented by the animation.

How is a water softening system quality controlled monitored?
A schematic diagram shows how a hard water monitor works on a double softening system.